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How I fell in love with writing.

I post a lot of book reviews and talk about writing and publishing, but this is of a personal nature. I’ve been wanting to do this post for awhile because it’s why I’m here and why you are reading this.

My love for writing and storytelling.

It started without writing at all. When I was very young, I remember lying in bed thinking about a movie I seen and re-telling it in my head. It was about bending and shaping the story to the way I wanted it to go in my mind. I would spend hours before falling asleep every night in my made up world.

I was seen as a rebellious child and was always intrigued by doing what I wasn’t supposed to. I wasn’t mean, very kind actually, but I was curious and wanted to try things for myself. As I got a little older, sex and taboo things begun to pique my curiosity. At about eleven or twelve I wrote my first “erotic” romance… even though the erotic part was seriously lacking because I was, ya know twelve.

I wrote other stories, but through my adolescence I allowed myself to listen to negative thoughts and saw it as a stupid dream that would never become a reality. I finally gave in to my desire to tell stories again at twenty-one when I wrote an erotic fantasy romance and had forgotten how much I adored putting words onto a page. During that time, I read the “Dark Duet” series by C.J. Roberts and it effected me on such an emotional level, I felt like a lightbulb had gone off. I knew, without a doubt, I wanted to make other people feel the way those books made me feel . I wanted my stories to sit with people for days, weeks, years… It was then I knew I wanted to be a self published author.

(Sections of my bookshelf)

I continued working on my fantasy novel until another story began to consume my thoughts. I couldn’t not write this. I needed to get it out of me and onto paper. I had never felt that before. When my first character, Tavin, began to talk to me, it was a relationship I wasn’t prepared for. As I began to write her story, I was consumed with the love I felt for her. As the books became longer, I began to build relationships with other characters until my “Candy Coated Chaos” (release date TBA) was born. I find it difficult to put into words what writing this story and building “friendships” with my character cast has done for emotionally.

(Teaser design by Keyanna Butler)

I have begun to make connections within the industry and I am blown away from the amount of support that comes from not only readers, but fellow authors as well. Everyone just wants to create more beautiful stories and relationships. I think that’s amazing.

I have finally allowed myself to reach for my dreams and I found my passion in the process. It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience for me and I just hope that people are effected by my books and it makes them see things are not simply black and white. I have found myself through writing and I hope I inspire others to follow their soul and do what makes them happy and know that their dreams are touchable. They just have to reach.

I hope you enjoyed this post!

-Charity B.

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