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“The Tutor” By: K. Larsen - Book Review

This the first book I’ve read by this author and I was blown away. I not only enjoyed the story itself, but also the way it was delivered. And I have to mention the cover. I was in love with in immediately. The details are wonderful. The warning at the beginning states “This is not a romance” and while that’s true, it is a story about different kinds of love. It is told from multiple perspectives allowing the story to be told from many sides. Go into this book with an open mind and you will have quite the ride and a fantastic reading experience.

Right off the bat we meet HIM, an obvious psychopath who is searching for his next victim. He finds them by running ads in the paper, saying he is searching for a tutor for his little sister. He desires a certain type of girl and has a checklist of sorts. He is determined to find the perfect one.

Nora Robertson is a quiet girl who has been dealt a bad hand in life by being orphaned without any responsible family to care for her. She is intelligent and resourceful and is able to care for herself along with the help of her best friend, Aubrey’s family. She is focused on raising money for her next semester in college and isn’t much of a social butterfly, so when Aubrey begs her to go to party, she reluctantly agrees. Things go wrong that night, and bad things happen. She is beginning to feel antsy so when she sees the ad for a tutor, she thinks it may be the escape she needs. And the job is only for three months.

“There’s really no visiting while you’re away?”

I frown at her. “Nope. I can mail you letters when we go into town for stuff. He doesn’t have internet or electricity. He said they live off the land and you know, it’d be too expensive to run all those power lines up to his house.”

“Are you camping or tutoring?”

The story isn’t told from beginning to end, and very early in the book, Nora is hurt while escaping him. She is telling her story to the doctors and detectives on her case as you see her adjusting to life in the modern world. The professionals and the people in her life don’t understand her need to protect him and think she is suffering from Stockholm and PTSD, however she isn’t unaware of what kind of man he is.

“He’s not a serial killer.” The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

“Then what would you call him?” Agent Brown cocks her head at me.

I mull over it, biding my time because I don’t know what I would call Holden. “I guess a serial abductor,” I say on a shrug.

“You think you would have lived?”

“If I didn’t do anything wrong, yes.”

Nora is frustrated with her own feelings as well as the judgment that seems to come from everyone around her. Everyone else just truly wants to help, unfortunately, that means arresting him. She misses the mountain and everything on it. The modern world is too loud, the food is too bland, and she feels so out of place. Everyone wants to fix her and she doesn’t think she needs to be fixed.

“I think my greatest error was believing that if I cast a lovely net, I would only catch lovely things in life.”

Every book effects every reader in a different way, but for me, this story is about love. The way it comes in many forms, and how loving someone doesn’t mean excusing their actions. Just because you love someone, it doesn’t mean you must allow them to hurt you in any capacity. This was a five star read for me pretty much from the beginning. As the warning suggests, this is a dark read that touches some tender topics, and I personally feel they are relevant. I had such a great time reading this book and was so thrilled to find out the story is not over. I will be reading book 2 as soon as I can get my hands on it. I felt this book held everything I want in a book. Nearly every emotion was evoked while reading and that is why I love books so much. I am a definite fan of this author and cannot wait to see what is in store for these characters.

“Only ever you.”

Book Link:

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-Charity B.

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